
Suffering exists so we have something to do

Suffering exists so we have something to do

How we speak and behave affects our relationship with the world. It affects how people see us, judge us, and decide how to interact with us. We know the “Lemon” type; stormy day, can’t go outside and play, “life sucks!” lemonade. “You know what? I’m so glad it is raining. I’ve been wanting to read that book, remake my closet space and write that letter. Maybe I will join an “email hack” group and tell Russians what is really going on.”

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The Untouchables

The Untouchables

A family friend just hung himself. This friend was in his 60’s, recently retired. He seemed good. However, suicide is the second leading cause of death for people ages 10 to 34 and fourth for those ages 35 to 44. I hate statistics because they take us from the individual to the masses where things seem to get lost to a mind-numbing bureaucratic insensitivity that leads to indifference and non-action. But 800,000 suicides a year touches a lot of people. A lot of sad parents, siblings, spouses, children and friends left behind.

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Seal the Door Where Evil Dwells

YESTERDAY, I unsubscribed from The New York Times, Washington Post, and a few other news outlets. I am not trying to drop out of knowing what is going on. Rather, I found myself just wasting time. It is not productive and it does not feed my soul to read or see that President Trump did another stupid thing, told another lie, or ridiculed another person. It also does not help if I mindlessly repost another Facebook cartoon condemning all the things, we’re doing to destroy our planet.

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Pay for Preschool or Save for College?

Question: I get paid little but love my work, and my partner and I get by. Now we suddenly have become parents to two children under the age of four. (It’s a long story...) The children came with a modest school trust fund, and I want to spend the trust fund over the next few years on early childhood education, better equipping my home for the children, and allowing me to slow down my work schedule and have more time with them.

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I Don’t Want to Own “America” Right Now

Question: I don’t want to own “America” right now. I don’t want to profit from killing people, destroying jobs in other countries, and ruining lives through a system that places profits over people and the planet. I have a 401(k) and an IRA filled with mutual funds. I really don’t even care if I make less money by being conscientious. My advisor says he has other clients who are “that way.” I don’t think he gets me. Any advice?

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Becoming Prepared

Question: I have friends who keep gold coins and have food stored up— just in case. I used to laugh. But not anymore. Brexit didn’t make sense. Then India ran out of cash. Now Trump has me worried. Am I being stupid by not being prepared?

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